Auxilia 2024!

Our next event is Auxilia at Park in the Past, 1st and 2nd of June.

The Roman Army Needs You!

2024 is going to be a very busy season. We’re actively seeking new members to march with the eagles and bring glory to the empire. If you’ve ever want to train and fight like a Roman legionary, now is your chance. All equipment is supplied by the legion, so all you have to do is have an interest in ancient Rome and join our group. We even have a Roman barrack so you can live the life of a Roman soldier in the first century CE. If you’re interested, get in contact with us:

087-678 0133


2024 Events

Our events page has been updated, check it out HERE

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Copyright © Legion Ireland 2018

We are institutional members of EXARC, the international organisation for experimental archaeology.

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